

Pure 0.253 development update

Pure 0.251 -> 0.253
Pure Config:

added CSP sound settings to Pure checklist
added CSP graphics adjustments enabled to Pure checklist
Pure Planner

added french manual and translation (Many thanks to RiZou71!!!)
fixed a bug with daylight saving time
added Chinese translation (Many thanks to Tidy!!!)
fixed a bug with setting time multiplier via keys or buttons
Lightning shader

allow ppfilter script control of the visual parameters, if the user sets to full stroboscopic effects

アップデートがあった。今回はWindows Defenderが誤検知しないな。結構頻繁にアップデートがあるので、Patreonを来月も継続するかも。

2024/3/18 追記 


Pure Planner

  • fixed a bug where last used plan was reset when loading a replay but nothing was changed in Pure Planner